Contact us on +44 0203 488 3638


“We have known and worked with Alex for nearly 20 years and when we set POTAMITISVEKRIS we had no hesitation in asking ILFS to assist us. They have mainly assisted us with our rankings in the directories where we have firmly established ourselves as the leading firm in Greece. Although I am confident that this is an accurate reflection of our practice ILFS has assisted us every step of the way and ensured that we reached that position much quicker and more efficiently than we might have if left to our own devices. They are also very knowledgeable about almost any business development issue that independent firms face and we frequently turn to them for help when we are having difficulty finding a solution internally”

Commercial Imperative

POTAMITISVEKRIS was established in its current form in 2009 and was something of a trail blazer in the Greek legal market with a structure that strongly reflected international firms rather than the more family orientated generalist approach favoured by traditional Greek firms.



Having taken this strategic decision, it was very important to the firm to very quickly establish their credibility on the international market. They recognised that Legal Directory rankings were key to this and thus strengthened their existing relationship with ILFS.

ILFS targeted Chambers, IFLR and Legal 500 and worked with our client to develop how they composed and presented their work highlights to clearly illustrate the breadth and depth of their expertise.

ILFS have also assisted the firm with the purchase of media products and with a range of other issues including awards, locating an advisor to assist them with knowledge management and most recently on CRM systems.


The Result

In 2009 POTAMITISVEKRIS had 12 rankings across Chambers, Legal 500 and IFLR 1000, including 1 top band/tier ranking. Today the firm are probably regarded as the leading firm in Greece with band/tier 1 rankings in 21 out of 30 practice areas in which they submit and are highly ranked in all the others. Whereas this is clearly an accurate reflection of the firm’s strength, ILFS have worked with them every step of the way.