Contact us on +44 0203 488 3638

Article Writing

Writing legal articles is an extremely effective way to engage with existing and potential clients. For many law firms, however, devoting the time to do so can often be a challenge and can result in content produced on an ad-hoc basis and not according to an editorial calendar.

Under your direction our legally trained writers will draft articles for you to place on your website, in your newsletter and on your social media platforms.

How Does it Work?

Typically, you give us an article title or a short brief on what kind of article or articles you would like our writers to work on. Conducting their own research they will compose a tentative content plan that is sent to you for approval.

Once the content plan is approved by you, the writers move onto the actual content creation stage, write the article and following your further review make any required changes.

You are the sole owner of the articles and may publish them under your own name on all print and online platforms.

How are we different from other legal article writing services?

We have worked solely with independent law firms since 2005 - drafting their ranking submissions and helping them to market their practices. As such we have an in-depth knowledge and unique understanding of this sector and its law firms, their strengths and weaknesses and the clients they want to attract.

Working with law firms in over 100 countries we are devoted to ensuring your articles are jurisdictionally accurate.

Contact International Law Firm Solutions

Authoritative online content is a vital way for firms to market themselves to existing and potential clients. It instils trust, demonstrates expertise, facilitates cross-selling and generates leads.

For more details of this service, please contact: Alex Kaminsky + 44 (0)7935 344795 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Contact us on +44 0203 488 3638

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